Binky has her weekly meeting with her probation officer Mike. She hopes he doesn't know that she got arrested for having sex in public. Once she finds out he's not going let her off easy, she decides …
How long have you been in the Adult Entertainment industry?
Going to be 6 years in September of this year.
If you weren't in the Adult Entertainment business what would you be doing?
I'd probably still be working in hospitality unless I decided to go back to college, then I'd probablt end up becoming a cop. I know that's not the greatest topic to be saying but you know, thats something that I always wanted to be.
Any hobbies or what do like to do in you spare time?
Hobbies let's see here... Crossfit, hiking, my two cats that I have at home and anything that involves mother nature. I'm a big foodie so I love going out to dinners and everything like that. I'm a big wine person too. So anything that involves food and wine I'm always there.